This Internet site (the “Site”) is the internet representation platform of the Studio and its only purpose is to draw attention of the public and potential customers to the Studio and its activities. The site is not a means of advertising services and none of the information contained herein may be deemed a public offer or an offer to such within the meaning of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Studio reserves the right to make changes to the content of the Site and these terms of use without any additional notice.
We do not collect any personal data through the Site. The Studio may process any data only in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including cases when such data is required for deals within the framework of the Studio's activities. However, if you become aware that your rights are being violated, please contact us via
The Site does not contain materials that might have age restrictions
Any materials posted on the Site are the property of their respective owners and are protected by the laws of the Russian Federation on intellectual property. Distribution of such materials may be allowed solely with their proper permission. If you are a copyright or trademark holder or its representative and believe that your protected work has been illegally copied and posted on this Site or Studio projects, you may send us a notice at with the following information:
  • Your registered item or trademark (including the number and country in which your item or trademark is registered);
  • Details that allow us to identify the item that is claimed to be infringed or (if multiple items are claimed to have been infringed) a representative list of such items (for example: title, author, registration number, URL);
  • Details that help us to identify and locate the material that is claimed to be infringing (for example, a link to a page containing the material);
  • Your contact information so that we can contact you (for example, your address, telephone number, email);
  • A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material identified above is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
  • A statement under penalty of perjury that the information in the notice is accurate and that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
These Terms are in the nature of a disclaimer, and its content may not be used as a civil law transaction under any circumstances. Notwithstanding anything stated herein, any terms or conditions under the contractual documents that we make with our partners are always prevail.
Our Studio is opened for cooperation, and if you are interested in doing business, please contact us with information on what you have to offer.

© 2023 Meaningful Games. All Rights reserved
MEANINGFUL GAMES LLC (“Studio”, “We”) develops video games for customers around the world. Depending on your needs and the digital platform, you can contact us and discuss the terms of cooperation. Meaningful Games LLC is a legal entity registered in the Russian Federation under the main state registration number 1197847198504 and is located at Area 2, Office 10/1, 3A Energetikov avenue, Saint Petersburg, 195112, Russia. Studio carries out its commercial activities on the territory of the Russian Federation.